Selling. It's that mysterious thing we all know that we should do, without which our businesses will fail, and which sometimes seems to be in the hands of the gods. If it's not working, how do we know what to fix?
Here's a quick assessment tool that I created to help me analyze the results of each year's efforts, and to see where I need to make changes. There are only three steps, so it is perfect for busy alpaca ranchers!
Is your phone ringing? Is your email in-box filled? In other words, are people trying to contact you about the alpacas, your fiber, or your farm?
If not, or if the number of contacts is declining, or is not reaching the level you need, then... have a marketing problem.
Your marketing is not working. The goal of every marketing piece you use-- every ad, every website, every direct mailing -- is to inspire potential customers to contact you. If you are not getting contacted, then you need to change your marketing because if you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting the same unhappy result.
It is beyond the scope of this quick analysis to dissect all the ways to improve marketing, but I will just list a few options. You probably know, deep inside, what needs to change. You can:
- do more marketing by advertising in more places, or more frequently, or with larger ads
- be more visible, by attending more events or by hosting more ranch events
- create a new marketing approach, which is important if you have been using the same marketing pieces for a long time
- make sure your marketing targets the right people and gives them a reason to contact you.
If your marketing is working properly, then people are contacting you to ask about alpacas. The next, and very important, step is getting them to visit. The more people that visit, the more sales you make (alpacas and products, both). It is a very simple equation. To increase sales, you must increase visitation.
If you have plenty of contacts but not very many visitors, then you have a conversion problem. You are failing to convert the contacts to visits. The whole reason for getting people to call or email is so that you can invite them to visit the farm.
If this is where your plan needs help, then review how you respond to the people who contact you. Do you:
- Personally invite each contact to visit?
- Ask them for an appointment date?
- Tell them about an upcoming event that they'd like to attend at your farm?
- Reconnect after sending information to make sure they got it, and ask again about visiting?
- Offer to put them on the notification list for upcoming events if they can't visit right away?
- Invite them to attend shows, meetings or other events as your guest?
The final step for you to consider is what happens when the people you invite, show up. Do they leave with a good feeling, excited to learn more, and committed to working with you? Do they want to come back?
If not, then you have a commitment problem. Probably you are failing to ask for a commitment, or you have not shown the visitor why they want to return. Every visitor should leave your farm with positive feelings, excited to return, even if all they did was pet an alpaca or buy a finger puppet. Your business will prosper if your customers can't wait to tell everyone they know about the wonderful time they had visiting the alpaca farm.
Walt Disney said it this way: "Do what you do so well that they will come back to see you do it again, and they will bring others."
So that's it: marketing, converting, selling. Three steps to a successful business. If anything here is not clear, please do not hesitate to ask because we want you to be as successful as you want to be.
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